Fyrnsidic Cosmology: Gods & Ettins

I would like to preface this with a disclaimer. While Jotnar and ettins are cognates of one another, the way they are viewed by their respective religious traditions can vary wildly. While there might be Norse Heathens who would agree with my takes here, and Anglo-Saxon Heathens who may disagree with them, this seems toContinue reading “Fyrnsidic Cosmology: Gods & Ettins”

Fyrnsidic Cosmology- Order vs Chaos

Cosmology is defined as the study of the nature of the universe. Physical cosmology studies the structure of the universe, how it operates, the laws that cause it to operate in that way, and how it all began. Religious cosmology generally studies all that from a spiritual viewpoint. It often, but not always, includes aContinue reading “Fyrnsidic Cosmology- Order vs Chaos”

How Hreðe defeated Old Man Winter

The following is an original myth written by myself with suggestions and help from various Fyrnsideras (Anglo-Saxon Heathens). While it is based on elements from Anglo-Saxon mythology (as I understand it), and incorporates elements from folklore, it is not based upon any surviving Anglo-Saxon myth, as few Anglo-Saxon myths survived the Christian purge of ancientContinue reading “How Hreðe defeated Old Man Winter”

Beginning the New Year with Mothers Night

Modraniht is one of the holiest tides of the year for Anglo-Saxon Heathenry. All the information we have on its ancient observance is from the Venerable Bede in Chapter 15 of his The Reckoning of Time. They began the year on the 8th kalends of January [25 December], when we celebrate the birth of theContinue reading “Beginning the New Year with Mothers Night”

In Defense of a December Yule

Yule is one of our holiest tides and indeed our most well known holiday. It is also a holiday that almost all Heathens celebrate. Given its relative importance, it is a valid question to ask: When should one celebrate Yule? But that question is not as cut and dry as it might seem. I haveContinue reading “In Defense of a December Yule”

New Webpage to Generate the Calendar

A lot of Heathens avoid using an ancient lunisolar calendar (such as my reconstructed calendar) because of the hassle of calculating it all out. With this in mind, I programmed a webpage that will calculate the my Reconstructed Anglo-Saxon Calendar for any year. It includes the start of each month, the full moons, and theContinue reading “New Webpage to Generate the Calendar”

Tīw- the Anglo-Saxon Sky Father, God of Justice and War

Tīw was obviously an important god to the Anglo-Saxons. They named a day of the week after him, and several places in England were named after him. Tacitus lists him as one of the three most important gods (along with Wōden and Thunor) to the Germanic tribes that would later become the Anglo-Saxons. So itContinue reading “Tīw- the Anglo-Saxon Sky Father, God of Justice and War”

Eostre- the Anglo-Saxon Dawn Goddess

According to my reconstructed Anglo-Saxon Calendar, the fourth month, Ēosturmōnaþ, began last Tuesday (April 13, 2021). Bede tells us it was named after the goddess Ēostre. Like Hreðe, the only thing we know about Ēostre from attested sources is her name and the month she was worshipped in (roughly corresponding to the month of April),Continue reading “Eostre- the Anglo-Saxon Dawn Goddess”

RuneTyper 0.3.1 released

I’ve added an Old English keyboard to RuneTyper. In addition to all the runes, it should have all the letters you need to type in Old English, including Ƿ, Þ, Ᵹ, Ð, Æ, ⁊, and Ꝥ. It has two function keys: SH toggles between capitalising and lowercase the letters, while ALT adds the bars overContinue reading “RuneTyper 0.3.1 released”

Introducing RuneTyper 0.1.1

I created an app that uses Kivy/Python to be able to type Fuþorc runes (also called Anglo-Saxon or Anglo-Frisian runes) and copy it to the clipboard so that you can paste it into other apps. It’s currently only available for Android at the moment. Here’s a screenshot of the app. In the text input, theContinue reading “Introducing RuneTyper 0.1.1”

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